Monday, November 14, 2011

What If?

  Lately I've been wondering what would have happened if I had gone to college outside of Wisconsin.  Don't get me wrong, I love Lawrence.  The size is perfect for me, and I LOVE the people in my dorm.  But when I look at my one friend who went to school outside of Wisconsin, I wonder how I would have been able to handle it.  It would have been different, no question about it.  I definitely would have missed seeing my parents on a semi-regular basis.  I also would have missed watching Packer games with other fans! : ) 
  In a perfect world, I would have been accepted to Vanderbilt (I was wait-listed, and they didn't take very many people off of the list apparently) and I would have been able to get out of Wisconsin.  It's not that I hate Wisconsin.  I don't really like the winter here, but I've been dealing with that for all my life : ).  I just want to get out and see the world! I'm happy where I am....for now.  I'm content to spend my four years of under-grad here.  But after that, I want to get out!  Ideally, I would be able to get to Tennessee, but I'll go wherever I can where I will get a good job and be able to complete my graduate stuff.  I don't want to be stuck in the same place my whole life.  That's fine for some people, and I don't judge them, but I'm different.  I want to get out, see the world, and change lives (wow, how cliche)!  : )
  That's all for now - the great news is that it's halftime in the Packer's game, and we're winning 17-0!
Stephanie Ann

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