Monday, November 14, 2011

What If?

  Lately I've been wondering what would have happened if I had gone to college outside of Wisconsin.  Don't get me wrong, I love Lawrence.  The size is perfect for me, and I LOVE the people in my dorm.  But when I look at my one friend who went to school outside of Wisconsin, I wonder how I would have been able to handle it.  It would have been different, no question about it.  I definitely would have missed seeing my parents on a semi-regular basis.  I also would have missed watching Packer games with other fans! : ) 
  In a perfect world, I would have been accepted to Vanderbilt (I was wait-listed, and they didn't take very many people off of the list apparently) and I would have been able to get out of Wisconsin.  It's not that I hate Wisconsin.  I don't really like the winter here, but I've been dealing with that for all my life : ).  I just want to get out and see the world! I'm happy where I am....for now.  I'm content to spend my four years of under-grad here.  But after that, I want to get out!  Ideally, I would be able to get to Tennessee, but I'll go wherever I can where I will get a good job and be able to complete my graduate stuff.  I don't want to be stuck in the same place my whole life.  That's fine for some people, and I don't judge them, but I'm different.  I want to get out, see the world, and change lives (wow, how cliche)!  : )
  That's all for now - the great news is that it's halftime in the Packer's game, and we're winning 17-0!
Stephanie Ann

Sunday, November 6, 2011


  I'm sitting here in the seventh floor lounge of my dorm with a bunch of my friends watching a Packer game (currently we are winning 21-14).  Can life get any better?? I think not.  Growing up in Wisconsin, all of my immediate family were Packers fans.  I suppose up until last year I was a Packers fan by default.  I didn't really care about football at all.  At the beginning of last season, however, something changed.  I don't really know why.  Maybe I realized that I couldn't escape it, maybe it was inevitable.  But now, I very rarely miss a game, and I legitimately know statistics about the Packers and the players.  Who would've thought?  Seriously, ask me how many sacks Clay Matthews (my favorite player) has in his career or even this season (26.5 and 3, respectively).  I actually do research on the teams we play each week, and I have a Packers application on my phone.  It's crazy to me, but Packers fever has definitely hit me! :)
  It's not even that I love sports.  Baseball is boring and basketball is nasty.  The only other sport that I will watch is soccer, and that's only when the FIFA World Cup is playing - Go Germany! :)  I love football.  Part of it is that I actually understand the rules and penalties, but another part of it is that it is so exciting!  I even enjoy watching other teams play - even though I don't scream nearly as much :).  Packer season is my favorite time of the year - I can't help it!
Go Clay!
  That's all for now - I have German homework to work on yet again!  Anyone have some extra Packers tickets? :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Time Flies!

Wow, I can't believe it's already November!  I've been in school for almost two months, and it's crazy to me that in about three weeks I'll be taking final exams!  Then I'll be home for a little more than a month : ).  I've been going through severe horse withdrawal, and that's definitely one of the things I'm most excited about coming home for!  Obviously it goes without saying that I'm excited to see my family as well as get some home-cooked meals!
  Three weeks left and I still have one project and two papers due...That doesn't sound like a lot, but it feels like it.  I also still have to read one book for Freshman Studies as well as my mounting piles of German homework...Seriously. College German is really difficult.  I'm not a master of German or anything, but I'd like to think I'm pretty good at it.... I'm planning on minoring in German, so I'm taking one class in it each term this year.  Today I spent two hours on my German homework.  Two hours.  That's still mindboggling to me!  I have NEVER spent that much time on German in my life.  It's quite humbling!
That's all for now I believe.  It's late and I have class at 8:30 tomorrow morning : )