Thursday, October 27, 2011

Alba gu bràth!

     I've traveled to Scotland twice in my life.  While Germany will always be first in my heart, there is something about Scotland that keeps me wanting to go back.  It's the most gorgeous place in the world to me.  In a perfect world, I would have enough money to travel for the rest of my life, but the reality is that won't happen.  I keep myself sane by looking at pictures of past trips, planning future trips (that may or may not happen), and watching movies such as Under the Tuscan Sun (takes place in Italy - another place I want to visit someday) and Braveheart.
     For those of you who don't know, the title of this post (Alba gu bràth) is a line from Braveheart.  It means "Scotland forever!"  Even though the movie isn't the most historically sound movie in the world, it is amazing. Seriously. Mel Gibson is great, and the scenery is (to quote Tigger) B-e-a-utiful. : )  And the music is wonderful!
   Usually, I can't listen to music while I'm writing a paper because I end up singing alone and getting side-tracked.  I was writing a paper for Freshman Studies a couple of days ago, and I was listening to the soundtrack to Braveheart while writing. (Freshman Studies is basically an English class that is required for all Freshmen)  For whatever reason, it actually helped me write my paper.  Maybe that's something I never considered before - listening to instrumental music.  I'm not talking about classical music necessarily, because that would get quite boring for me, but more soundtracks from movies!  I talked to my mom yesterday and she said she'll bring some up to the cottage when we go next weekend! 
  That's all for now I think - college is going pretty well.  It was kicking my butt for a little bit, but now I'm getting into the swing of things.  Less than a month until winter break! (My winter break goes from Thanksgiving until January 1st.  We're on a trimester schedule)
  I'll write soon - I want to do twice a week, but we'll see how much time I end up having! : )

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you have developed a love for traveling! The world is full of many beautiful places to see and experience. And I'm pleased that you've enjoyed Scotland as much as you have. Hopefully you will have many more chances to travel to new places and see as much of the world as possible.

    I've got about 12 CDs of good study music (and paper-writing music) for you to choose from:

    The Man From Snowy River I & II
    The Princess Bride
    Last of the Mohicans
    Robin Hood
    Lord of the Dance
    Titanic (2 CDs)

    ...and more (some classical and new-age also).
